BCCI Secretariat is pleased to invite interested and eligible national consultant for the submission of Expression of Interest (EoI) for the following Consultancy Service:<\/p>\n
A complete set of bidding documents for the consultancy work can be downloaded from 29<\/span>th\u00a0April 2022<\/span>. The last date for submission of EoI is on<\/span>\u00a0May 10,<\/span>\u00a02022<\/span>\u00a0at 2:30 pm, BCCI, Thimphu. The bids will be opened on same day at 3:00 pm. For more information, please visit<\/span>\u00a0<\/span>www.bcci.org.bt<\/a><\/span>\u00a0<\/span>or contact BCCI office at 232454\/322742 during office hours.<\/span><\/p>\n Kindly note that following documents should be attached to complete Expression of Interest (EOI):<\/span><\/p>\n (a)\u00a0<\/strong> Form 1: Submission of Expression of\u00a0Interest;<\/strong><\/p>\n (b) Form 2: CV of the Consultant; and<\/strong><\/p>\n (c) Form 3: Integrity Pact<\/strong><\/p>\n Integrity Pact<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n Promo & Developing of Media Service<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n Conducting <\/strong>Mentorship Program<\/strong><\/a><\/p>\n